Sunday, March 14, 2010

Change in Schedule for Readings

Please note the change in the order of readings for after Spring Break at

I'll try to have a hardcopy of the revised schedule on Tuesday.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Review Questions Wanted!

Any questions for Tuesday's review? Post as comments: the floor is open!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Test I Key

Analytic Phil: Test I Key

1 D
2 D
3 C
4 C
5 A
6 B
7 A
8 D
9 D
10 B
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 B
15 D
16 E
17 B
18 C
19 A
20 C
21 C
22 C

23 C
24 C
25 D
26 E
27 A
28 E
29 A
30 C
31 A
32 C
33 B
34 A
35 D
36 A
37 D
38 B
39 B
40 B
41 A
42 D
43 C

Monday, March 03, 2008

Questions about Frege?

Frege's article, "On Sense and Reference," is pretty complex. Don't worry too much about the last part starting around p. 33 where he gives lots and lots of examples of sentences with subordinate clauses (but do read it!)

Frege is suggesting two puzzles: the Identity Puzzle and the Propositional Attitude puzzle

The Identity Puzzle: how can there be true, informative identity statements, in particular, how can it be that "The Morning Star = "The Evening Star" tells us something about the world rather than merely rehearsing the trivial logical truth that The Morning Star, like everything else, is self-identical?

The Propositional Attitude Puzzle: how come substituting expressions that name the same thing into some contexts doesn't preserve truth value? How come, for example, does substituting "Samuel Clemens" for "Mark Twain" (Samuel Clemens' pen name) in some sentences, change their truth value?

Any questions?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ayer and Quine: Any Questions?

The material now is getting a little complicated so it might be helpful to adopt a procedure the instructor of a class on (the notoriously complicated) Kant I took in grad school tried. In addition to asking questions during class discussion he suggested that we write questions as we read and submit them in advance for discussion in class.

As I was re-reading Quine I thought: what a good idea! So...if you have questions or comments, please comment on this message board and/or submit them to me in writing prior to the class at which you want to discuss them.

Even if you don't want to submit them, formulating questions as you read is also helpful in understanding what's going on!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What is Philosophy?

We talked about today. Here's an interesting discussion from Brian Leiter's blog: